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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Class 4 EVS - Short notes/Adhyapakakkoottam

അധ്യാപകക്കൂട്ടം Class 4 EVS

Simple Notes: EVs



1.The sun is a star.

2.The moon reflects the sunlight.

3.Stars are heavenly bodies that shine in the sky.

4.Planets are heavenly bodies that move around the sun in a fixed path.

5.The moon is the satellite of the earth.

6.The earth's own movement is called rotation.It needs 24 hours for this.

7..The movement of the earth around the sun is called revolution.It needs 365 1/4 days for this.

8.In new moon day, we cannot see the moon in the sky.The moon is in between the earth and the sun.

9.In full moon day, we can see full moon in the sky.The earth is in between the sun and the moon.

10.Chandrayan I is  India's first moon mission.

11.Aryabhatta,EDUSAT  and INSAT are artificial satellites.

12. Uses of artificial satellites:-

Weather study
Ocean Study

EVS Simple Notes:-
Chapter :4

Wonder World of Birds.

1.Common features of birds;..

Feathers,two legs, wings ,lay eggs.

2.Largest bird:..Ostrich.

3.Smallest bird.. Humming bird.

4.Birds buld nest ;
To rest, to grow babies, to lay eggs.

5.Birds and environment:..

Add beauty, Help in seed distribution, control pest, Clean surroundings.

6.We rear birds;
For fancy, for income, for entertainment, for eggs and flesh.

EVs  Simple Notes

Chapter : As stone...as wind...

1.All objects occupy space.

2.Flowing water has power.

3.Water and similar objects are called liquids.

4.Water vapour will become water when it cools.

5.Moving air is called wind.

6.Fire and lightning are in the plasma state.

7.Properties of Solids:-

Have shape, cannot flow, have weight, need space to exist.

8.Properties of liquids:-
Have weight, can flow, No shape, Need space to exist.

9. Properties of gases:-

Have weight, can spread, Need space to exist,Have power.

10.Plasma is the fourth state of the matter.

EVs Simple Notes:

Chapter: Reading and drawing maps.

1.Kerala has 14 districts.

2.Palakkad is our district.

3.Kasaragod is the northernmost district.

4.Thiruvananthapuram is the southernmost district.

5.Idukki and Wayanad have no railway lines.

6. The  main airports in Kerala:-

Thiruvananthapuram, Nedumbassery (Ernakulam),Kochi(Ernakulam), Karippur (Malappuram),Kannur. 

7.The index tells about colour and symbols in the map.

8.The top of the map indicates north.

9.The Mariner's Compass is used to find out directions.

10.The headquarter of Idukki is Painav.

11. Kalpetta is the headquarter of Wayanad.

12.Image of an area on a paper is called a map.

13.Ernakulam and Kozhikode have Seaports.

14.Palakkad is the largest district.

15.Alappuzha is the smallest district .

Prepared by:-

Ghss Mezhathur.

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