🔸 അധ്യാപകരുടെ കൂട്ടായ്മയായ അധ്യാപകക്കൂട്ടം വാട്സ്ആപ് ക്ലാസ് ഗ്രൂപ്പുകളിൽ join ചെയ്യുന്നതിന് ക്ലാസ്സ്, വിഷയം എന്നിവ 9048175724 (രതീഷ് സംഗമം) എന്ന നമ്പരിൽ വാട്സ്ആപ് ചെയ്യുക. 🔹 പൊതു വിദ്യാലയ സംബന്ധമായ വിവരങ്ങൾ അധ്യാപകക്കൂട്ടം ബ്ലോഗിൽ ചേർക്കുന്നതിന് 9539091331 (ഗോകുൽ ദാസ്)എന്ന നമ്പരിൽ ബന്ധപ്പെടുക. 🔸അധ്യാപകക്കൂട്ടം യൂടൂബ് ചാനലിൽ പോസ്റ്റുകൾ പങ്കിടുന്നതിന് ബന്ധപ്പെടുക 7306521145 (സായി ശ്വേത). 🔹 അധ്യാപകക്കൂട്ടം ഫേസ് ബുക്ക് പേജിൽ പോസ്റ്റുകൾ പങ്കിടുന്നതിന് ബന്ധപ്പെടുക 8075438107 (ശാലിനി നീലംപേരൂർ).

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Adhyapakakkoottam Let's build vocabulary together

Adhyapakakkoottam  Let's build vocabulary together

GGHSS Cottonhill_



Day :1

The word for the day is take for granted /teɪk fɔː ˈgrɑːntɪd/phrase (ഹിന്ദി) महत्व नहीं समझना

* to fail to properly appreciate, especially as a result of overfamiliarity.
* to assume that something is true without questioning it.
Your loyalty to the cause is taken for granted. 
I took for granted that they would pay for their share of dinner.

Similar words
hypothesize, presuppose, affirm, assert, assume, guess, premise, propose, speculate, suppose

Opposite in Meaning
calculate, deny, disbelieve, measure, reject

Meaning in Malayalam
പരിഗണിക്കുക, മഹിമയറിയാന്‍ കൂട്ടാക്കാതിരിക്കുക, അതിപരിചയം കൊണ്ട് ശരിയായി മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നതില്‍ പരാജയപ്പെടുക, ചോദ്യം ചെയ്യാതെ ഏതെങ്കിലും ഒന്നിനെ സത്യമായിതന്നെ കരുതുക, ചോദ്യം ചെയ്യാതെ സ്വീകരിക്കുക, ഗുണം കണക്കാക്കാന്‍ പരാജയപ്പെടുക

Bonus Point
If you take for granted it means to underestimate or undervalue someone or something; to not properly appreciate someone. It also means to expect someone or something to be always available to serve in some way without thanks or recognition.

Fun with the word
In the 1600s, the expression to take for granted arose to mean ‘to consider true without requiring proof’. The phrase appeared early on in religious texts. As early as the 1620s, ‘take for granted’ had taken on a negative connotation, implying that someone was assuming something without evidence.

Thought for the day
After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin, they just can’t face each other, but they stay together.
വിവാഹശേഷം, ഭാര്യാഭർത്താക്കന്മാർ ഒരു നാണയത്തിന്റെ രണ്ട് വശങ്ങളായി മാറുന്നു, അവർക്ക് പരസ്പരം അഭിമുഖീകരിക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല, പക്ഷേ അവർ ഒരുമിച്ച് ജീവിക്കുന്നു.

Day 2

The word for the day is call a spade a spade /kɔːl ə speɪd ə speɪd/_phrase_ (ഹിന്ദി) कुदाल कुदाल

* to speak plainly without avoiding unpleasant or embarrassing issues.
* to say the truth about something, even if it is not polite or pleasant.
* to speak directly and bluntly.
I'm not at all secretive, and I'm pretty good at _calling a spade a spade_. 
We’ve to _call a spade a spade_ and acknowledge the corruption in this system!

Similar words
blunt, forthright, guileless, honest, straightforward, apparent, artless, downright, frank, naive

Opposite in Meaning
artful, deceitful, devious, dishonest, tactful, tricky, untruthful

Meaning in Malayalam
വെട്ടിത്തുറന്നു പറയുക, ഉള്ളതു തുറന്നുപറയുക, സത്യം പറയുക

Bonus Point
If you say that someone _calls a spade a spade_, you mean that they speak clearly and directly about things, even embarrassing or unpleasant things.

Fun with the word
To address or describe the true nature of someone or something, even if it is unpleasant. The term _call a spade a spade_ originated from a translation of an ancient Greek phrase but is considered offensive by some due to the later use of the word ‘spade’ as a racial slur for a black person.

Thought for the day
A bulb can bring light in the dark. But no bulb can darken the light.
ഇരുട്ടില്‍ വെളിച്ചമേകാന്‍ ഒരു ബള്‍ബിനാകും. പക്ഷെ വെളിച്ചത്തെ ഇരുട്ടാക്കാന്‍ ഒരു ബള്‍ബിനാകില്ല.

Day 3

The word for the day is jocund* /dʒɒkənd/_adjective_ (ഹിന്ദി) प्रफुल्ल

* cheerful and light-hearted.
* in a happy mood; a humorous temperament.
Their hearts were _jocund_ and sublime on sightseeing. 
The team had a _jocund_ get together after a long recess. 

*Similar words*
jovial, merry, cheerful, happy, jolly, bright, glad, sunny, joyful, light-hearted, mirth

*Opposite in Meaning*
sad, gloomy unhappy, depressed, sorrowful, miserable, upset

*Meaning in Malayalam*
സന്തോഷവാനായ, ഉല്ലാസവാനായ, പ്രസന്നമായ, രസമുള്ള, ഉല്ലസിതനായ, ആനന്ദകരമായ

*Bonus Point*
You know that teacher should always have a smile on his face? He's got a jocund personality, meaning he's merry and cheerful.

*Fun with the word*
The word _jocund_ comes from ‘jucundus’, a Latin word meaning ‘agreeable’ or ‘delightful’, and ultimately from the Latin verb ‘juvare’ meaning ‘to help’. But ‘jucundus’ sounds a bit like ‘jocus’, the Latin word for ‘joke’. It's a sort of old-fashioned word, though, so use it sparingly.

*Thought for the day*
Life is meaningful when it brings joy to those who are sad, not when you accept the sad.
സന്തോഷമുളളവരെ സ്വീകരിക്കുമ്പോഴല്ല, സങ്കടമുളളവരെ സന്തോഷിപ്പിക്കുമ്പോഴാണ് ജീവിതം അര്‍ത്ഥപൂര്‍ണ്ണമാകുന്നത്.

*Compiled by*
*Jose D Sujeev, HST English, Govt HSS Neduveli, Thiruvananthapuram.Former Research Officer, SCERT, Kerala*

Day 4

The word for the day is placate /pləˈkeɪt/verb (ഹിന്ദി) तसल्ली देना

* to make someone less angry or hostile.
* to stop someone from feeling angry.
Outraged groups will not be placated by promises of future improvements. 
He smiled, trying to placate me. 

Similar words
pacify, calm down, appease, mollify, soothe, conciliate, propitiate, make peace with

Opposite in Meaning
provoke, anger, agitate, irritate, upset, worry, aggravate

Meaning in Malayalam
ശമിപ്പിക്കുക, പ്രസാദിപ്പിക്കുക, പ്രീണിപ്പിക്കുക, അനുരഞ്ജിപ്പിക്കുക, ആശ്വസിപ്പിക്കുക, ഇണക്കുക, ശാന്തമാക്കുക, സമാധാനപ്പെടുത്തുക

Bonus Point
If you placate someone, you do or say something to make them stop feeling angry. If you placate someone, you stop them from being angry by giving them something or doing something that pleases them. 

Fun with the word
If your little sister is mad that the dog ate her favorite teddy bear, you could placate her by buying her an ice cream cone. A near-synonym for placate is appease. The origin of placate is Latin ‘placare’, ‘to calm or soothe’. 

Thought for the day
Don't look back and ask WHY. Look ahead and say WHY NOT.
തിരിഞ്ഞുനോക്കി എന്തുകൊണ്ട് ചോദിക്കരുത്. മുന്നോട്ട് നോക്കി എന്തുകൊണ്ട് പറ്റില്ല എന്ന് പറയുക.

Compiled by
Sujeev, Teacher of English, GHSS Neduveli
Day 5
The word for the day is *lambast* /læmbæst/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) चाबुक से मारना

* to criticize someone harshly.
* to stop someone from feeling angry.
His first novel was well and truly _lambasted_ by the critics. 
The politicians _lambasted_ each other. 

*Similar words*
criticize, castigate, chastise, censure, condemn, harangue, attack

*Opposite in Meaning*
praise, commend, compliment, congratulate, acclaim

*Meaning in Malayalam*
പ്രഹരിക്കുക, ചീത്തപറയുക, നിശിതമായി വിമര്‍ശിക്കുക, രൂക്ഷമായി വിമര്‍ശിക്കുക, തല്ലിച്ചതയ്‌ക്കുക

*Bonus Point*
If you _lambast_ someone, you criticize them severely, usually in public. The past and present participles of ‘lambast’ can be used as adjectives. 

*Fun with the word*
The origins of _lambast_ are somewhat uncertain, but the word was most likely formed by combining the verbs ‘lam’ and ‘baste’, both of which mean ‘to beat severely’. (Lambaste can also be spelt lambast, despite the modern spelling of the verb.) Some other synonyms include pummel, thrash, and pound. 

*Thought for the day*
Love, no matter from whose side it is, is a feeling that must be respected. 
സ്നേഹം ആരുടെ ഭാഗത്തുനിന്നുണ്ടായാലും ശരി, അതു ആദരിക്കപ്പെടേണ്ട വികാരം തന്നെയാണ്.

Day 6
The word for the day is *abrupt* /əˈbrʌpt/_adjective_ (ഹിന്ദി) आकस्मिक

* sudden and unexpected and often unpleasant.
* brief to the point of rudeness; curt.
Our discussion came to an _abrupt_ end when a lady entered the room. 
The car juddered and came to an _abrupt_ halt in the middle of the road. 

*Similar words*
sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hasty, precipitate, unanticipated, blunt, short

*Opposite in Meaning*
gradual, unhurried, friendly, polite, expansive

*Meaning in Malayalam*
പെട്ടെന്ന്, ആകസ്മികമായി, പരുഷമായ, കിഴുക്കാന്‍ തൂക്കായ, അപ്രതീക്ഷിതമായ, അവിചാരിതമായ, തിടുക്കം, ബദ്ധപ്പാട്‌

*Bonus Point*
An _abrupt_ change or action is very sudden, often in a way that is unpleasant. Someone who is abrupt speaks in a rather rude, unfriendly way.

*Fun with the word*
Because being _abrupt_ with someone is that you are angry with him, you often apologize for the appearance of it. ‘I'm sorry I was abrupt. I was rushing to get to class'. The root of abrupt is Latin ‘rumpere’ ‘to break’, which also gives us rupture ‘break’ and interrupt ‘break into’.

*Thought for the day*
Be slow to criticize but fast to appreciate. Appreciation will help one to do more than what is expected.
വിമർശിക്കാൻ മന്ദഗതിയിലാണെങ്കിലും അഭിനന്ദിക്കാൻ വേഗതയുള്ളവരായിരിക്കുക. പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചതിലും കൂടുതൽ ചെയ്യാൻ അഭിനന്ദനം ഒരാളെ സഹായിക്കും.

Day 7
The word for the day is *harassment* /harəsmənt/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) उत्पीड़न

* aggressive pressure or intimidation.
* behaviour that annoys or upsets someone.
There should be a law to protect people from _harassment_. 
The survey found that 51 percent of women experienced _harassment_.

*Similar words*
hassle, trouble, grief, torment, irritation, nuisance, badgering, molestation, vexation, bedevilment

*Opposite in Meaning*
assistance, aid, comfort, contentment, cooperation, delight

*Meaning in Malayalam*
പീഡനം, ശല്യം, ഉപദ്രവം, പീഡ, അസഹ്യത, വേവലാതി, ക്ലേശിപ്പിക്കുക, അലട്ടുക, ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടിക്കുക

*Bonus Point*
_Harassment_ is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis intended to trouble or annoy you. Cruel and usually really annoying, harassment is also illegal.

*Fun with the word*
_Harassment_ is a word that describes any kind of ongoing torment. At school, harassment is often known as bullying. In the workplace, employees need to be careful about sexual harassment. Even teasing girl students is also considered harassment.

*Thought for the day*
Here are two ways to shed light. Either light yourself as a lamp or reflect light as a mirror!
വെളിച്ചം പകരാൻ രണ്ടു വഴികളുണ്ട്. ഒന്നുകിൽ സ്വയം ഒരു വിളക്കായി ജ്വലിക്കുക, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഒരു കണ്ണാടിയായി പ്രകാശം പ്രതിഫലിപ്പിക്കുക!

Day -8
The word for the day is *schism* /skɪzəm/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) फूट

* a split or division between strongly opposed sections, caused by differences in opinion or belief.
* a division into two groups caused by a disagreement about ideas, esp. in a church.
The great _schism_ divided the Christian world in the 11th century. 
For once, he wished he remembered his time before the _schism_.

*Similar words*
division, split, rift, breach, rupture, break, separation, severance, alienation, detachment

*Opposite in Meaning*
unity, integrity, catholicity, communion

*Meaning in Malayalam*
പിളര്‍പ്പ്‌, ഭിന്നിപ്പ്‌, മതഭിന്നത, ഭിന്നിച്ചുണ്ടായ പുതിയ സമൂഹം, അനൈക്യകാരണം, മാതൃകസഭയില്‍നിന്നു പിരിഞ്ഞ സഭ, ചേരിതിരിവ്‌

*Bonus Point*
When there is a _schism_, a group or organization divides into two groups as a result of differences in thinking and beliefs. The sound of the word reminds us of the sound of a piece of paper being torn in two; when a group has a big fight and is torn in two.

*Fun with the word*
_Schism_ often refers to splits in the church. You might have heard of the Great Schism of 1074, when the eastern Christian church, headquartered in Byzantium (now Istanbul), broke away from the western one headquartered in Rome.

*Thought for the day*
Everything is easy when you are busy. Nothing is easy when you are lazy. 
നിങ്ങൾ തിരക്കിലായിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ എല്ലാം എളുപ്പമാണ്. നിങ്ങൾ മടിയനായിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ ഒന്നും എളുപ്പമായിരിക്കില്ല.


Day 9
The word for the day is *defunct* /dɪˈfʌŋkt/_adjective_ (ഹിന്ദി) मृत

* no longer existing or functioning.
* no longer living or working correctly.
The organization she once worked for is now _defunct_. 
He looked at the _defunct_ apparatus and diagnosed the problem.

*Similar words*
dead, extinct, gone, departed, deceased, bygone, non-existent, not functioning, obsolete,  inoperative

*Opposite in Meaning*
 The opposites of ‘defunct’ are: alive, living, animate, live, current, functioning,operating, valid, etc

*Meaning in Malayalam*
പ്രവര്‍ത്തനരഹിതമായ, മൃതിയടഞ്ഞ, മരിച്ച, നിഷ്‌ക്രിയമായ, നിലച്ചുപോയ, പ്രവര്‍ത്തനശൂന്യമായ

*Bonus Point*
If something is _defunct_, it no longer exists or has stopped functioning or operating. Defunct describes something that used to exist but is now gone. A magazine that no longer published is defunct.

*Fun with the word*
_Defunct_ comes from the Latin word ‘defunctus’ meaning ‘dead’. It’s not usually used to describe a person who's no longer with us, but rather projects, companies and political parties. If we go to the depths, we see that ‘defunctus’ comes from ‘defungi’, meaning, ‘to finish’. 

*Thought for the day*
We love ourselves even after doing a thousand mistakes. Then how can we hate others for one mistake?
ഒരായിരം തെറ്റുകൾ ചെയ്തതിനുശേഷവും നാം നമ്മെ സ്നേഹിക്കുന്നു. പിന്നെ നമുക്ക് എങ്ങനെ ഒരു തെറ്റിന് മറ്റുള്ളവരെ വെറുക്കാൻ കഴിയും?

Day 10

The word for the day is redact* /rɪˈdakt/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) संपादन

* edit a text for publication.
* to remove words or information from a text before it is printed or made public.
The names of officers are _redacted_ from any publicly released reports. 
Some parts of secret files are available to the public, but heavily _redacted_.

*Similar words*
edit, expurgate, bowdlerize, censor, launder, red-pencil

*Opposite in Meaning*
expand, stiffen, decrease, tune, dissimilate, stet

*Meaning in Malayalam*
ശുദ്ധമാക്കുക, ആകൃതിപ്പെടുത്തുക, ഭാഷയാക്കുക, പ്രസിദ്ധപ്പെടുത്താന്‍ തയ്യാറാക്കുക, സംശോധനം, സംസ്‌കരണം

*Bonus Point*
To _redact_ is to arrange or edit the text in a written document. _Redact_ refers to any kind of revising or editing that makes a document better, usually for publication.

*Fun with the word*
When you see the prefix ‘re-‘, you know the word is going to refer to something being done again. You can think of 'redact' as redoing writing or taking back some of what was originally said. Redact is often used with the prepositions ‘in’ or ‘into’. You might take several documents and redact them into a single one.

*Thought for the day*
The more you know yourself, the less you need the approval of others.
നിങ്ങൾ സ്വയം കൂടുതൽ അറിയുന്നെങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് മറ്റുള്ളവരുടെ അംഗീകാരം വേണ്ടി വരില്ല.

Day 11
The word for the day is *anticipate* /antɪsɪpeɪt/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി)आशा

* to regard as probable; expect or predict.
* to imagine or expect that something will happen.
We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn't _anticipate_. 
We _anticipated_ a large gathering for the party.

*Similar words*
expect, foresee, predict, forecast, prophesy, foretell, foreshadow, precede, antedate

*Opposite in Meaning*
unexpected, unforeseen, surprising, unpredictable

*Meaning in Malayalam*
പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുക, ഉദ്ദേശിക്കുക, മുന്‍കൂട്ടി കാണുക, മുന്‍കൂട്ടി നിരൂപിക്കുക, ദീര്‍ഘദൃഷ്‌ടി, പൂര്‍വ്വജ്ഞാനം, മുന്‍വിചാരം, മുന്നറിവ്

*Bonus Point*
If you _anticipate_ an event, you realize in advance that it may happen and you are prepared for it. To anticipate something is to be expecting it. Your dog might be waiting by the door, anticipating your arrival.

*Fun with the word*
‘Anticipating something’ also often implies that you are preparing to take some action because of your expectations — like when you anticipate your chess opponent's next move and plan a counterattack. The word 'anticipate' can also mean ‘to come beforehand’. 

*Thought for the day*
Success and excuses do not go hand in hand. If you want excuses, forget about success.
വിജയവും ഒഴികഴിവുകളും കൈകോർക്കുന്നില്ല. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒഴികഴിവ് വേണമെങ്കിൽ, വിജയത്തെക്കുറിച്ച് മറക്കുക.
DAY 12

*Let's Build Vocabulary 
The word for the day is *coalition* /kəʊəˈlɪʃən/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) गठबंधन

* a temporary alliance for combined action, esp. of political parties forming a government.
* a group formed of different organizations or people who agree to act together.
By forming a _coalition_, the opposition parties overpowered the government. 
Since June the country has had a _coalition_ government.

*Similar words*
alliance, union, league, association, combination, integration, amalgamation, confederation

*Opposite in Meaning*
discord, disunion, divorce, enmity, hostility, schism

*Meaning in Malayalam*
കൂട്ടുകക്ഷി, കൂട്ടം, സംയോഗം, സമ്മേളനം, ഏകീകരണം, ഏകപക്ഷരൂപീകരണം, സന്ധി, യോജിപ്പ്‌, കൂട്ടുമന്ത്രിസഭ, കൂട്ടായ്മ

*Bonus Point*
A _coalition_ is a group consisting of people from different political or social groups who are cooperating to achieve a particular aim. A coalition is a group of people who join together for a common cause.

*Fun with the word*
The noun _coalition_ comes from the Latin word ‘coalitiō’, meaning ‘to grow together’. Often, the people and groups that form coalitions have different backgrounds but come together because they share a common goal. 

*Thought for the day*
Everyone has two eyes, but no one has the same view.
എല്ലാവർക്കും രണ്ട് കണ്ണുകളുണ്ട്, എന്നാൽ ആർക്കും ഒരേ കാഴ്ചയല്ല.

DAY 13
*Let's Build Vocabulary 
The word for the day is *stereotype* /stɛrɪəʊtʌɪp/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) टकसाली

* a set idea that people have about someone or something, especially an idea that is wrong.
* a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular person or thing.
There's always been a _stereotype_ about successful businessmen.
The characters in most of her novels are just _stereotypes_.

*Similar words*
formula, cliché, pattern, mould, absorbed idea, typecast, pigeonhole, standardize, taken to be

*Opposite in Meaning*
unconventional, original, fresh, uniqueness, dissimilarity

*Meaning in Malayalam*
മുദ്രാഫലകം, സ്ഥിരാക്ഷരത്തകിട്‌, സ്ഥിരരൂപം, വൈവിധ്യമില്ലാത്ത സങ്കല്‌പം, സ്ഥിരസങ്കല്‌പം, മാറ്റമില്ലാത്ത, എല്ലാപേരും ഒരുപോലെ കരുതുന്നത്, സ്ഥിരാക്ഷരപ്പതിപ്പായ

*Bonus Point*
A _stereotype_ is a fixed general image or set of characteristics that a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing. It is a preconceived notion, esp. about a group of people. (Africans are black and poor people.) Many stereotypes are rooted in prejudices.

*Fun with the word*
Stereotypes are commonly held ideas or preconceptions about specific groups. You most often hear about negative (unfavourable beliefs) stereotypes, but some are positive (favourable) — the stereotype that tall people are good at basketball. 

*Thought for the day*
Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned.
ജീവിതത്തിലെ പാഠങ്ങൾ നാം പഠിക്കുന്നതുവരെ ആവർത്തിക്കും.
DAY 14
*Let's Build Vocabulary 
The word for the day is *hangar* /haŋə/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) हैंगर

* a large building with an extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft.
* a large building in which aircraft are kept.
Aircraft are kept in _hangars_ for repairs.
The pilot parked the aircraft in the _hangar_.

*Similar words*
shed, aircraft shelter, cockpit, barracks, garage, shelter, airdock, repair shed, bunker, guardhouse

*Meaning in Malayalam*
വിമാനശാല, വിമാനം സൂക്ഷിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള ഷെഡ്‌

*Bonus Point*
A hangar is a large building in which aircraft are kept. Use the word hangar to describe a structure used to house or repair an aircraft. 

*Fun with the word*
If you need to hang up a shirt, you’ll want to use the word hanger (a device used for hanging clothing). If you want to park your jet plane, the word ‘hangar’ is more appropriate. These two words are homophones. They’re pronounced the same way but have different spellings and meanings. 

*Thought for the day*
Not all defeats are failures. If there is victory in defeats then why are we afraid of defeat?
എല്ലാ തോൽവികളും പരാജയങ്ങളല്ല. തോൽവികളിൽ വിജയമുണ്ടെങ്കിൽ നമ്മൾ എന്തിനാണ് തോൽവിയെ ഭയപ്പെടുന്നത്?
DAY 15
*Let's Build Vocabulary 
The word for the day is *ruckus* /rʌkəs/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) हंगामा

* a row or commotion.
* a noisy situation or argument.
This caused a _ruckus_ all over the country that they had to change their mind.
Would it be worth the effort to create this kind of a _ruckus_?

*Similar Words*
brawl, commotion, fracas, hubbub, quarrel, upheaval, disorder, disruption, fray, turmoil, uprising

*Opposite in Meaning*
calm, peace, harmony, order

*Meaning in Malayalam*
കോലാഹലം, ബഹളം, ഒച്ചപ്പാട്‌, അടിപിടി, വഴക്ക്

*Bonus Point*
If someone or something causes a _ruckus_, they cause a great deal of noise, argument, or confusion. When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument or the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory.

*Fun with the word*
_Ruckus_ sounds like what it means — loud and maybe a little rowdy. A ruckus is an uproar you cause when you noisily protest or a bad call against your favorite team. Cats fighting outside your window in the middle of the night could also cause a ruckus. 

*Thought for the day*
Don't let yourself be controlled by three things, people, money and past events.
ആളുകൾ, പണം, മുൻകാല സംഭവങ്ങൾ ഇവ മൂന്നും നിങ്ങളെ നിയന്ത്രിക്കാൻ അനുവദിക്കരുത്.
DAY 16
*Let's Build Vocabulary 
The word for the day is *tardy* /tɑːdi/_adjective_ (ഹിന്ദി) मंदा

* delayed beyond the right or expected time; late.
* slow in action or response; sluggish.
Dinner was delayed on account of the father’s tardy arrival.
He wept for the loss of his mother and his _tardy_ recognition of her affection.

*Similar Words*
late, delayed, slow, overdue, unpunctual, belated, dilatory, behindhand, remiss 

*Opposite in Meaning*
punctual, early, on time

*Meaning in Malayalam*
മന്ദഗതി, വൈമനസ്യം, വിളംബം, വൈകിയുള്ള, മടി, ഇഴഞ്ഞ പ്രകൃതിയായ, മെല്ലെ നടക്കുന്ന, അമാന്തം, ഉഴപ്പ്, താമസംവരുത്തുന്ന

*Bonus Point*
If you describe something or someone as _tardy_, you think that they are later than they should be or later than expected. If you've ever been late for school, you know that your teacher will inform your parents about your tardiness.

*Fun with the word*
You may be tardy for an appointment because you got stuck in traffic, or maybe you just slept late and you don't have good time management skills. Being tardy almost always annoys whoever's waiting for you. The word comes from the Latin ‘tardus’, meaning ‘slow’.

*Thought for the day*
The school sounds irritating at 10 am but the same bell sounds melodious at 4 pm.
രാവിലെ 10 ന് സ്കൂളിലെ ബെല്‍ പ്രകോപിപ്പിക്കുന്നതായി തോന്നുമെങ്കിലും അതേ മണി വൈകുന്നേരം 4 മണിക്ക് സ്വരമാധുര്യമുള്ളതായി അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്നു.
DAY 17
*Let's Build Vocabulary – *
The word for the day is *brawny* /brɔːni/_adjective_ (ഹിന്ദി) मांसल

* physically strong; muscular.
* possessing good physical strength and weight.
At fifteen years of age, the boy was already big and _brawny_.
Tennis players are usually smaller and not so _brawny_.

*Similar Words*
muscular, strong, powerful, athletic, hardy, robust, vigorous, sturdy

*Opposite in Meaning*
scrawny, puny, weak, frail

*Meaning in Malayalam*
മാംസപുഷ്‌ടിയുള്ള, മാംസളമായ, ശരീരപുഷ്‌ടിയുള്ള, ബലവത്തായ, ശക്തിമത്തായ, സദൃഢമായ

*Bonus Point*
If someone is _brawny_ he has strong and large muscles which are quite strong. Most football players are brawny.

*Fun with the word*
_Brawn_ refers to muscles and physical strength. But people often contrast brain and brawn. Many athletes are brawny, especially ones such as weightlifters and football players. 

*Thought for the day*
Too busy is a myth. We make time for things that are important to us.
വളരെ തിരക്കിലാണ് എന്നതൊരു മിഥ്യയാണ്. നമുക്ക് വേണ്ട പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട കാര്യങ്ങൾക്കായി നാം സമയം കണ്ടെത്തുന്നു.
DAY 18
*Let's Build Vocabulary –
The word for the day is *hew* /hjuː/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) कुल्हाड़ी से काटना

* to cut something into pieces.
* to cut a large piece out of rock, stone, or hard material in a rough way.
He felled and _hewed_ the timber by himself.
The monument was _hewn_ out of stone.

*Similar Words*
cut, chop, axe, hack, carve, make, form, fashion

*Opposite in Meaning*
bind, cohere, fasten, fuse, glue, unite

*Meaning in Malayalam*
വെട്ടുക, ഖണ്‌ഡിക്കുക, മുറിക്കുക, നുറുക്കുക, അരിയുക, പൊളിക്കുക, ചെത്തുക, മിനുസപ്പെടുത്തുക

*Bonus Point*
If you _hew_ stone or wood, you cut it into pieces. If you're a lumberjack, the word hew is nothing new. You hew things every day with one swift swing of the axe, chopping and shaping wood.

*Fun with the word*
It's said that Paul Bunyan _hewed_ the Grand Canyon by dragging his giant mythical axe behind him. But usually, things are hewn with a little more purpose — with each chop and cut designed to shape, sculpt, or craft a final product. 

*Thought for the day*
A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
ഒരു അശുഭാപ്തിവിശ്വാസി എല്ലാ അവസരങ്ങളിലും ബുദ്ധിമുട്ട് കാണുന്നു. ഒരു ശുഭാപ്തിവിശ്വാസി എല്ലാ പ്രയാസങ്ങളിലും അവസരം കാണുന്നു.
DAY 18
*Let's Build Vocabulary *
The word for the day is *feign* /feɪn/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) बहाना करना

* to pretend to be affected by a feeling, state or injury.
* to invent a story or excuse.
He _feigned_ sickness so he wouldn’t have to go to school.
If they served something she couldn't eat, she'd _feign_ illness.

*Similar Words*
pretend, affect, assume, counterfeit, sham, simulate

*Opposite in Meaning*
be honest, tell truth, be true

*Meaning in Malayalam*
അഭിനയിക്കുക, കപടം, സൂത്രമെടുക്കുക, നടിക്കുക, ഭാവിക്കുക, തോന്നിക്കുക, വേഷമിടുക, കാപട്യം

*Bonus Point*
If someone _feigns_ a particular feeling, attitude, or physical condition, they try to make other people think that they have it or are experiencing it, although this is not true. For a more formal way to say pretend to or imitate, choose the verb 'to feign'. 

*Fun with the word*
_Feign_comes from the Latin ‘fingere’ ‘to devise, fabricate’. The word ‘fiction’ comes from the same source, so if you feign something such as sleep, you give off the fiction that you are sleeping. This can be done to be polite but also to deceive as when you feign an injury or the flu so you can stay home from school or work. 

*Thought for the day*
The most expensive thing in the world is Faith. It can take years to gain but seconds to lose.
ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും വിലയേറിയ കാര്യം വിശ്വാസമാണ്. ഇത് നേടാൻ വർഷങ്ങളെടുക്കുമെങ്കിലും നഷ്ടപ്പെടാൻ നിമിഷങ്ങൾ മതിയാകും.
Day 19
*Let's Build Vocabulary –*
The word for the day is *hale* /heɪl/_adjective_ (ഹിന്ദി) हट्टा कट्टा

* strong and healthy.
* exceptional health and vigour.
She is a genius and I'd like to see her remain _hale_ and hearty for years.
She was still _hale_ and hearty in her nineties.

*Similar Words*
healthy, well, strong, sound, husky, sound, stout, well, able-bodied

*Opposite in Meaning*
Skinny, small, thin, unfit, unhealthy, unsuited, weak

*Meaning in Malayalam*
അക്ഷീണ, പൂര്‍ണ്ണാരോഗ്യത്തോടുകൂടിയ, ബലം പ്രയോഗിക്കുക, ആരോഗ്യമുളള

*Bonus Point*
If you describe people, especially people who are old, as _hale_, you mean that they are healthy. If you're hale, you’re strong and in good health. 

*Fun with the word*
Don't confuse _hale_ with hail. Hale is healthy. Hail is for hailing a cab, or hailing to Caesar. Hale is a word that conjures upcountry folk, farming stock, people who swear that they haven’t had to go to a doctor in ten years because they sleep with the windows open 365 days a year.

Thought for the day
Friendship is not a palace built on words. It is a trust that is built on the depths of words.
വാക്കിനാല്‍ തീര്‍ക്കുന്ന കൊട്ടാരമല്ല സൗഹൃദം. വാക്കുകളുടെ ആഴങ്ങളില്‍ തീര്‍ക്കുന്ന വിശ്വാസമാണ് സൗഹൃദം.

Day 20
*Let's Build Vocabulary 
The word for the day is *dissident* /dɪsɪdənt/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) मतभेद करनेवाला
* a person who opposes the official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.
* opposition to official policy.
The _dissident_ was expected to speak of democratic ideals.
The _dissident_ was cast out from his country.

*Similar Words*
objector, protester, disputant, rebel, revolutionary, subversive, disagreeing, opposition, protesting, complaining

*Opposite in Meaning*
conformist, concurrence, cooperation, accord, agreement, concordance, harmony

*Meaning in Malayalam*
വിമതന്‍, യോജിക്കാത്ത, സമ്മതിക്കാത്ത, വിമതനായ, യോജിപ്പില്ലായ്‌മ, ഭിന്നാഭിപ്രായം

*Bonus Point*
_Dissidents_ are people who disagree with and criticize their government, especially because it is undemocratic. If you are a dissident, you are a person who is rebelling against a government. 

*Fun with the word*
_Dissident_ is closely related to the word, ‘dissent’, which means ‘objecting’. People who are dissidents show their dissent. As an adjective, a dissident member of a group is one who disagrees with the majority of members.  

*Thought for the day*
If there is not darkness, the stars cannot be seen. You cannot enjoy the light of life without pain.
ഇരുട്ടില്ലെങ്കില്‍ നക്ഷത്രങ്ങളുടെ തിളക്കം കാണാനാവില്ല. വേദനകളില്ലാതെ ജീവിതത്തിലെ പ്രകാശം ആസ്വദിക്കാനാവില്ല
DAY 21
Let's Build Vocabulary 
The word for the day is *oaf* /əʊf/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) भद्दा

* a man who is rough or clumsy and unintelligent.
* a stupid, rude or awkward person, especially a man.
This clumsy _oaf_ has broken the second glass today!
Don’t kill the lady, you drunken _oaf_.

*Similar Words*
clod, clodhopper, gawk, hulk, lout, lubber, lug, lump

*Opposite in Meaning*
brain, genius, handyman

*Meaning in Malayalam*
വിഡ്‌ഢി, മുരടന്‍, മൂഢന്‍, ഭോഷന്‍, പൊട്ടന്‍, ദുഃസ്വഭാവി

*Bonus Point*
An _oaf_ is the boring, ill-mannered person you hope doesn't show up at your party and send the other guests running for the door. There are many ways to be an oaf: you can be loud, insensitive, rude, or just plain stupid.

*Fun with the word*
The word is related to the Old English word for ‘elf’ and originally meant a changeling — an elf's child, a little darling not known for good manners. A long time ago in England, it was believed that goblins sometimes secretly exchanged their babies for human babies. Such a child was ‘auf’ or ‘alfe’. Today the word oaf is no longer associated with unattractive babies.

*Thought for the day*
There is only one difference between a dream and a goal. For a dream, you've to sleep without difficulty, and for a goal you've to difficultly work without sleep.
സ്വപ്‌നവും ലക്ഷ്യവും തമ്മില്‍ ഒരേയൊരു വ്യത്യാസമേയുളളൂ. സ്വപ്‌നത്തിന് ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടില്ലാതെ ഉറങ്ങണം, ലക്ഷ്യത്തിന് ഉറങ്ങാതെ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടണം.
DAY 22
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *saunter* /sɔːntə/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) सैर

* to walk in a slow, relaxed manner.
* to move leisurely.
He _sauntered_ by, looking very pleased with himself.
I _sauntered_ slowly down the street.

*Similar Words*
stroll, amble, wander, meander, potter, walk, ramble, linger, tramp

*Opposite in Meaning*
run, tiptoe, speed, course, hasten, drive, push

*Meaning in Malayalam*
വിഹാരം, ഉലാത്തുക, ചുറ്റിത്തിരിയുക, ചുറ്റിനടക്കുക, മടിയനായി നടക്കുക, അലഞ്ഞുനടന്നു നേരം കളയുക

*Bonus Point*
If you _saunter_ somewhere, you walk there in a slow, casual way. The next time someone accuses you of dragging your feet and asks you to speed it up, calmly tell them that you’re perfecting your saunter.

*Fun with the word*
A verb of unconfirmed origin, _saunter_ means to ‘walk with a leisurely gait’. As a noun, ‘saunter’ describes that leisurely gait. Henry David Thoreau once said ‘it is a great art to saunter’. While crossing a busy street may not be the best time to test out your sauntering abilities.

*Thought for the day*
When our actions are based on good intentions, our mind has no regrets.
നമ്മുടെ പ്രവര്‍ത്തനങ്ങള്‍ നല്ല ഉദ്ദേശ്യത്തോടുളളതാണെങ്കില്‍, നമ്മുടെ മനസ്സ് പശ്ചാത്തപിക്കേണ്ടതില്ല

Day 23
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *fledgling* /flɛdʒlɪŋ/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) अनुभवहीन मनुष्य

* new without experience; immature, inexperienced, or underdeveloped.
* a young bird that has grown feathers and is learning to fly.
Many _fledgling_ companies need financial assistance from governments. 

*Similar Words*
chick, nestling, young bird, new, beginning, developing, emerging, newcomer, amateur 

*Opposite in Meaning*
expert, professional

*Meaning in Malayalam*
തുടക്കക്കാരന്‍, അനുഭവജ്ഞാനമില്ലാത്തയാള്‍, ചിറകുമുളച്ച പക്ഷിക്കുഞ്ഞ്‌, പുത്തന്‍കൂറ്റുകാരന്‍

*Bonus Point*
A _fledgling_ is a young bird that has its feathers and is learning to fly. It is someone (like a baby bird) who's brand new at doing something. You use fledgling to describe a person, organization, or system that is new or without experience.

*Fun with the word*
If you're not talking about a baby bird, _fledgling_ is often used as an adjective describing a new participant in something, like a fledgling senator still learning how to legislate, or a fledgling drama program trying to build audiences. If you're British, spell it ‘fledgeling’ if you like, both spellings are correct.

*Thought for the day*
Life gives beautiful friends. Good friends give beautiful life.
ജീവിതം മനോഹരമായ സുഹൃത്തുക്കളെ നൽകുന്നു. നല്ല സുഹൃത്തുക്കൾ മനോഹരമായ ജീവിതം നൽകുന്നു.

*Erratum: ‘I sauntered down the street.’ is correct. This was given wrongly yesterday as ‘I sauntered slowly down the street.’*
DAY 24
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *occidental* /ɒksɪˈdɛntəl/_ noun/adjective _ (ഹിന്ദി) पच्छमवासी

* relating to the western part of the world, esp. the countries of Europe and America.
* relating to, or situated in the Occident; Western
The music is a mix of _occidental_ pop and Latin sensuality. 
The exhibition will look at _occidental_ fashion from a new perspective.

*Similar Words*
West, Hesperian, denizen, dweller, inhabitant, westerly

*Opposite in Meaning*
Oriental, East, Eastern, easterly 

*Meaning in Malayalam*
പടിഞ്ഞാറന്‍, പശ്ചിമ, പാശ്ചാത്യ, പാശ്ചാത്യമായ

*Bonus Point*
_Occidental_ means relating to the countries of Europe and America. The adjective ‘occidental’ is used to describe the Western part of the world which includes Asia and the Middle East. The United States is an occidental country.

*Fun with the word*
The word _occidental_ is uncommon these days because it's historically been the opposite of Oriental, a term for the Eastern countries of the world, mainly Asia — which has come to be considered old-fashioned. The Latin root, ‘occidentem’, means ‘western sky’ or ‘sunset’.

*Thought for the day*
Today's beautiful moments are tomorrow's fascinating memories.
ഇന്നത്തെ മനോഹരമായ നിമിഷങ്ങൾ നാളത്തെ കൗതുകകരമായ ഓർമ്മകളാണ്.
Day 25
*Let's Build Vocabulary – *
The word for the day is *reclusive* /rɪkluːsɪv/_adjective _ (ഹിന്ദി) एकांतप्रिय

* avoiding the company of other people; solitary.
* living alone and avoiding going outside or talking to other people.
She became increasingly _reclusive_ after the tragedy. 
She had been living a _reclusive_ life since her marriage broke up.

*Similar Words*
solitary, retiring, withdrawn, isolated, cloistered, isolated, ascetic

*Opposite in Meaning*
gregarious, sociable, socializer 

*Meaning in Malayalam*
ഏകാന്തവാസിയായ, ഏകാന്തത, ഒറ്റപ്പെട്ടു നില്‍ക്കാന്‍ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്ന, ഏകാന്തവാസി, തപസ്വി, ഏകാകി

*Bonus Point*
A _reclusive_ person or animal lives alone and deliberately avoids the company of others. The word ‘reclusive’ describes a desire for seclusion or privacy. A reclusive movie star is the one tabloid that photographers dream of capturing on film.

*Fun with the word*
The root word of reclusive is ‘recluse’, which came from the Old French word ‘reclus’, originally meaning ‘a person shut up from the world for purposes of religious meditation.’ Reclusive describes a person who is withdrawn from society or seeks solitude, like a hermit. 

*Thought for the day*
The big trees we see today were the plants that prone to waterlogging with their own roots .... we should imbibe the lessons of hard work.
സ്വന്തം വേരുകൾ കൊണ്ട് വെള്ളം തേടിപ്പോകാൻ മിനക്കെട്ടിട്ടുള്ള ചെടികളാണ് ഇന്നു നാം കാണുന്ന വടവൃക്ഷങ്ങൾ .... കഠിന പരിശ്രമത്തിന്റെ പാഠങ്ങൾ നമുക്ക് ഉൾക്കൊള്ളാം.

*Compiled by*
*Sujeev*, _Teacher of English, GGHSS Cottonhill_

Day 26
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *summon* /sʌmən/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) मेल - जोल

* to order someone to be present.
* to order someone to come to or be present at a particular place.
The students were _summoned_ to the headmaster's office. 
The President determined to _summon_ the meeting immediately

*Similar Words*
send for, call, ask for, muster, gather, collect, mobilize, screw up, convene, invite, bid

*Opposite in Meaning*
discharge, remit, relegate, send, disband, prorogue, discard, dismiss

*Meaning in Malayalam*
വിളിക്കുക, കല്‍പ്പന, ആജ്ഞാപത്രം, വിളി, കോടതിയില്‍ നേരിട്ട്‌ ഹാജരാകാനുള്ള ഉത്തരവ്‌

*Bonus Point*
To _summon_ is to formally call for the presence of someone. If, as a soccer team captain, you find that your team members are an hour late for the game, you might summon them — and fast.

*Fun with the word*
_Summon_ can also mean ‘gather up’, as one might summon one’s courage before that big game. Summon is also occasionally used in reference to the supernatural, as when one tries to call forth a spirit or ghost. 

*Thought for the day*
Innocent laughter is one of the best painkillers in the world.
ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും മികച്ച വേദനസംഹാരികളില്‍ ഒന്നാണ് നിഷ്‌കളങ്കമായ ചിരി.

*Compiled by*
*Sujeev*, _Teacher of English, GGHSS Cottonhill_
Day 27
*Let's Build Vocabulary – *
The word for the day is *vagabond* /væɡəbɒnd/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) आवारा

* a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.
* a person who travels from place to place.
They led a _vagabond_ existence, renouncing home and possessions.
They live a _vagabond_ life, travelling around in a caravan.

*Similar Words*
vagrant, tramp, bum, moving, shifting, unsettled, roving, sauntering

*Opposite in Meaning*
fixed, permanent, settled, unmoving, inhabiting

*Meaning in Malayalam*
അലഞ്ഞു നടക്കുന്നവൻ, തെണ്ടി നടക്കുക, നാടോടി, പ്രത്യേകിച്ചു ജോലിയോ വീടോ ഒന്നും ഇല്ലാതെ അലഞ്ഞു നടക്കുന്ന ആൾ, സ്ഥിരവാസസ്ഥലമില്ലാത്തവൻ 

*Bonus Point*
A _vagabond_ is someone who moves around a lot. Vagabond can also be an adjective, a nomadic tribe is a vagabond one, or the person who moved eight times in two years is living a vagabond life

*Fun with the word*
_Vagabond_ is from the Latin word ‘vagabundus’ (from ‘vagari’, wander) which means ‘inclined to wander’. So — if you were born a ramblin' man, you might just be a vagabond. 

*.Thought for the day*
Even silence can be understood if there is faith. Without faith, even words will be misunderstood.
വിശ്വാസം ഉണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ നിശബ്ദത പോലും മനസ്സിലാക്കപ്പെടും. വിശ്വാസം ഇല്ലെങ്കില്‍ വാക്കുകൾ പോലും തെറ്റിദ്ധരിക്കപ്പെടും.

*Compiled by*
*Sujeev*, _Teacher of English, GGHSS
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *torpor* /tɔːpə/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) सो हो जाना

* a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy.
* the state of not being active and having no energy or enthusiasm.
He had slumped into a state of _torpor_ from which nothing could rouse him.
The sick person gradually falls into a _torpor_.

*Similar Words*
inactivity, apathy, inertia, lethargy, disinterest, dormancy, drowsiness, sleepiness

*Opposite in Meaning*
action, consciousness, diligence, industry, interest, liveliness

*Meaning in Malayalam*
ഉദാസീനത, മയക്കം, ജാഡ്യം, അലസത, മടി 

*Bonus Point*
_Torpor_ is the state of being completely inactive mentally or physically, for example, because of illness or laziness. ‘After a huge Thanksgiving meal, my family members fall into a torpor; no one can even pick up the TV remote.’

*Fun with the word*
_Torpor_ can be used in everyday speech, but it's also a scientific term for a state of deep sleep that allows animals to conserve energy. Certain species of bats, birds, and frogs rely on torpor for survival during tough times. 

*Thought for the day*
Never be reluctant to take risks in life, either you'll win or if you lose, you'll learn from it.
ജീവിതത്തിൽ ഒരിക്കലും റിസ്ക് എടുക്കാൻ മടിക്കരുത്, ഒന്നുകിൽ നിങ്ങൾ വിജയിക്കും അല്ലെങ്കിൽ തോറ്റാൽ നിങ്ങൾ അതിൽ നിന്ന് പഠിക്കും.

*Compiled by*
*Sujeev*, _Teacher of English, GGHSS Cottonhill_
Day 29
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *mortify* /mɔːtɪfʌɪ/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) अपमानित करना

* cause (someone) to feel very embarrassed or ashamed.
* subdue by self-denial or discipline.
The thought of the incident still _mortified_ her.
It would not be the first time that her friends have _mortified_ her.

*Similar Words*
embarrass, humiliate, chagrin, shame, discomfit, abash, horrify, suppress, subjugate

*Opposite in Meaning*
indulge, pleased, praise, encourage, honour, respect

*Meaning in Malayalam*
ആശാഭംഗം വരുത്തുക, ക്ലേശിപ്പിക്കുക, അപമാനിക്കുക, ഇന്ദ്രിയനിഗ്രഹം ചെയ്യുക, തപശ്ചര്യകൊണ്ടു ശരീരത്തെ പീഡിപ്പിക്കുക, നാണകേടുണ്ടാകുക 

*Bonus Point*
If you say that something _mortifies_ you, you mean that it offends or embarrasses you a great deal. 

*Fun with the word*
The root of the verb _mortify_ is from the Latin word ‘mors’ which means ‘death’. To mortify something used to mean to destroy its life, but now mortify is mostly used when you feel so ashamed or embarrassed. 

*Thought for the day*
The most beautiful mission a human being can accomplish in a lifetime is to qualify to be remembered.
ഓര്‍മ്മിക്കപ്പെടാന്‍ യോഗ്യത നേടുക എന്നുളളതാണ് ഒരായുസ്സ് കൊണ്ട് ഒരു മനുഷ്യന് നിര്‍വഹിക്കാവുന്ന ഏറ്റവും മനോഹരമായ ദൗത്യം.

*Compiled by*
*Sujeev*, _Teacher of English, GGHSS Cottonhill_
Day 30
*Let's Build Vocabulary

The word for the day is *emulate* /ɛmjʊleɪt/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) अनुकरण

* match or surpass a person or achievement; imitation.
* to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have.
They hope to _emulate_ the success of other software companies.
Sons are traditionally expected to _emulate_ their fathers.

*Similar Words*
imitate, copy, reproduce, mimic, mirror, echo, follow, equal, parallel

*Opposite in Meaning*
neglect, carelessness, delinquency, disdain

*Meaning in Malayalam*
അനുകരണം, കിടമത്സരം, അന്ധമായി അനുകരിക്കുക, കിട പിടിക്കുക, മറ്റൊരു സംവിധാനത്തെ അനുകരിക്കുക 

*Bonus Point*
If you _emulate_ something or someone, you imitate them because you admire them a great deal. When you emulate someone, you imitate them, especially with the idea of matching their success.

*Fun with the word*
When someone is impressive because of their great skills, brains, strength, or accomplishments, others will _emulate_ him. To emulate is to imitate and model yourself after someone. It’s hard to be as good as someone like that, but having a hero to emulate can be helpful in many areas of life. 

*Thought for the day*
Do not make promises when you are happy, do not answer when you are angry and do not make decisions when you are sad.
ആനന്ദത്തിലിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ വാഗ്ദാനം നല്കരുത്, കോപത്തിലിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഉത്തരം പറയരുത്, സങ്കടത്തിലിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ തീരുമാനങ്ങള്‍ എടുക്കരുത്.

*Compiled by*
*Sujeev*, _Teacher of English, GGHSS Cottonhill_

Day 31
Let's Build Vocabulary

The word for the day is *for good* /fɔː gʊd/_phrase_ (ഹിന്ദി) अच्छे के लिए

* forever; definitively, permanently.
* for one's benefit, even though it may not be enjoyable or desired.
She says she’s leaving him _for good_.
A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease _for good_.

*Similar Words*
permanently, finally, forever, once and for all, irrecoverable, never to return, enduring

*Opposite in Meaning*
returnable, recoverable, temporary, ephemeral 

*Meaning in Malayalam*
നല്ലതിന്, എന്നെന്നേക്കും, സ്ഥിരമായി, നീണ്ടുനില്ക്കുന്നത്

*Bonus Point*
If something changes or disappears _for good_, it never changes back or comes back as it was before.

*Fun with the word*
The idiom, _for good_ can be traced back to a book by Paul Byrdes published in 1603. ‘They destroyed all the birds great and small to mewe the hawk for good and all.’ Byrdes created this idiom and defined it as a valid conclusion, a final act or finally. 

*Thought for the day*
Don’t spend time on things that are sure to never benefit you.
നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒരിക്കലും നേട്ടമുണ്ടാക്കിത്തരില്ലന്ന് ഉറപ്പുള്ള കാര്യങ്ങൾക്കായി സമയം ചിലവിടരുത്.
DAY 32
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *penchant* /pɒnʃɒn/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) लगन

* a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something.
* a liking for or a habit of doing something, esp. something that other people might not like.
He had a _penchant_ for playing jokes on others.
His _penchant_ for disappearing for days worries his family.

*Similar Words*
liking, fondness, preference, relish, appetite, partiality, affection, affinity, predisposition

*Opposite in Meaning*
antipathy, disinclination, dislike, hate, hatred, fairness, impartiality 

*Meaning in Malayalam*
പ്രവണത, ആസക്തി, പക്ഷപാതം, അഭിരുചി, വാസന, താത്‌പര്യം, പ്രിയം

*Bonus Point*
If someone has a _penchant_ for something, they have a special liking for it or a tendency to do it. A penchant is a strong preference or tendency. If you have a penchant for pizza, you either eat it daily or wish you did.

*Fun with the word*
Remove the first letter from _penchant_, you’ll get ‘enchant’. Penchant borrows from French, which literally means inclined. It goes back to the Latin ‘pendere’, for hanging. In both French and English, speakers have long used the idea of inclination metaphorically. But in English, penchant is only for desires.

*Thought for the day*
Each of us must be able to love and accept others while we want those around us to reach perfection.
ചുറ്റുമുളളവര്‍ പൂര്‍ണതയിലെത്തണം എന്ന് നാം ആഗ്രഹിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ തന്നെ മറ്റുളളവരെ സ്‌നേഹിക്കാനും സ്വീകരിക്കാനും നമുക്കൊരോരുത്തർക്കും കഴിയണം
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 322*
The word for the day is *appall* /əpɔːl/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) धमकी देना

* to dismay or horrify greatly.
* to make someone have strong feelings of shock or of disapproval
I was _appalled_ by the lack of doctors in the hospital.
The strength of new-found militancy _appalls_ the people in the locality.

*Similar Words*
horrify, shock, dismay, outrage, scandalize, make the blood run cold, nauseate 

*Opposite in Meaning*
comforting, consolatory, consoling, encouraging, heartening 

*Meaning in Malayalam*
നടുക്കുക, അമ്പരപ്പിക്കുക, സംഭ്രമിപ്പിക്കുക, വിരട്ടുക, അലട്ടുക, ഭീഷണിപ്പെടുത്തുക

*Bonus Point*
If something _appalls_ you, it disgusts you because it seems so bad or unpleasant. That tattoo on your hands is likely to appall your mother. Just like your pink hair once appalled your mother. 

*Fun with the word*
Remove one ‘l’ from _appall_ you get the UK version, Appall comes from an Old French word meaning ‘to make pale’. If a gory scene in a movie appalls you, you're likely to turn pale. The word appall always carries with it the feeling of disgust. 

*Thought for the day*
Those good, my dear… that which came from the soil will not fade.
നല്ലതൊന്നും എന്റെ കണ്‍മണി.... മണ്ണില്‍ നിന്നു വന്നതൊന്നുമങ്ങ് മായുകില്ല.


Day 34

*Let's Build Vocabulary – 323*
The word for the day is *novice* /nɒvɪs/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) नौसिखिए

* a person new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.
* a person who is training to be a monk or a nun.
This plant can be difficult for _novice_ gardeners to grow.
I’m just a _novice_ at making videos.

*Similar Words*
beginner, learner, inexperienced person, neophyte, newcomer, apprentice, probationer, amateur, acolyte

*Opposite in Meaning*
expert, veteran 

*Meaning in Malayalam*
തുടക്കകാരന്‍, നവവിദ്യാര്‍ത്ഥി, പ്രാരംഭകന്‍, അനുഭവസമ്പത്തില്ലാത്തവന്‍, നൂതനമതാവലംബി, അസമര്‍ത്ഥന്‍, പുതുതായി ചേര്‍ന്നവന്‍

*Bonus Point*
A _novice_ is someone who has been doing a job or other activity for only a short time and so is not experienced at it. If you're a novice at pole vault, you're just learning the sport. On the internet, a novice might be called a newbie.

*Fun with the Word*
_Novice_ is derived from the Latin word ‘novus’, which means new. A novice is new to what they do. Novice can also mean a member of a Christian order who has not yet taken their vows.

*Thought for the Day*
Those who do not expect anything from anyone will always be happy.
ആരിൽ നിന്നും ഒന്നും പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കാത്തവർ എപ്പോഴും സന്തുഷ്ടരായിരിക്കും.

DAY 34
*Let's Build vocabulary 
The word for the day is *rejig* /riːdʒɪɡ/_verb_ (ഹിന്ദി) बदलाव

* to organize something differently; rearrange.
* to re-equip with machinery; refit.
We'll have to _rejig_ the hall to put extra chairs in.
The organisers found it difficult to _rejig_ the schedule.

*Similar Words*
rearrange, alter, manipulate, reshuffle, juggle, reorganize 

*Opposite in Meaning*
break, damage, mismatch, derange 

*Meaning in Malayalam*
മാറ്റം വരുത്തുക, പുനഃക്രമീകരിക്കുക, പരിവർത്തനം ചെയ്യുക, സ്ഥാനമാറ്റം വരുത്തുക

*Bonus Point*
If someone _rejigs_ an organization or a piece of work, they arrange or organize it in a different way, in order to improve it.

*Fun with the Word*
The mention of dancing a jig was in the language by the 1500s and had led by the 1700s to the use of jigging to mean moving something with a light, jerky motion. To rejig, which showed up in the 1900s, is to move something around until you have it the way you want it. 

*Thought for the Day*
We can measure life by the smiles we shed, the love we share and the friendships we maintain.
നമുക്ക് പൊഴിക്കാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞ പുഞ്ചിരി, പങ്കു വയ്ക്കാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞ സ്നേഹം, നിലനിർത്താൻ കഴിഞ്ഞ സൗഹൃദങ്ങൾ ഇവയുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിൽ നമുക്ക് ജീവിതത്തെ അളക്കാം.

DAY 35
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *obscurity* /əbˈskjʊərɪti/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) अंधकार

* the state of being unknown, inconspicuous, or unimportant.
* the quality of being difficult to understand; unclear.
The story is almost to the point of _obscurity_.
The latter half of his life was spent in _obscurity_ and loneliness.

*Similar Words*
insignificant, oblivion, unimportant, ambiguous, vague, darkness, abstruse

*Opposite in Meaning*
clear, definite, known, obvious, apparent, famous, understandable

*Meaning in Malayalam*
അന്ധകാരം, സങ്കീര്‍ണ്ണത, അവ്യക്തത, ഇരുട്ട്‌, ഗൂഢത, അപ്രസിദ്ധി, മങ്ങിയ, അസ്‌പഷ്‌ടമായ

*Bonus Point*
One meaning of _obscurity_ is nobody knowing who you are, and another definition is something that is hard to understand because it’s too complex or unclear.

*Fun with the Word*
_Obscurity_ is the opposite of fame, and that nobody knows even your name. The Latin ‘obscurus’ means ‘dark’, which is where obscurity is found: in the dark where no one sees it. Something difficult to comprehend has obscurity; a complex poem that is full of literary obscurities, referring to other poems that no one has read. 

*Thought for the Day*
No darkness can defeat us if we have the light of goodness in our hearts.
നന്മയുടെ പ്രകാശം ഹൃദയത്തിലുണ്ടെങ്കില് ഒരിരുട്ടിനും നമ്മെ തോൽപ്പിക്കാനാവില്ല 

Day 36
*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *langsyne* /laŋsʌɪn/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) काफी समय पहले

* in the distant past; times gone by.
* long ago; long since
In Norway, _langsyne_, there lived a lady and her three daughters.
I’ll spare no effort to help you for _lang syne_.

*Similar Words*
history, antiquity, yesterdays, days gone by, good old days, time immemorial, times past

*Opposite in Meaning*
present, future

*Meaning in Malayalam*
പണ്ട്‌ പണ്ട്‌, പഴയ നല്ല കാലം, കഴിഞ്ഞ കാലം, പണ്ടുമുതലേ

*Bonus Point*
_Auld Lang Syne_, a song whose melody is synonymous with the new year in the English-speaking world, despite nearly incomprehensible syntax and vocabulary. Translated literally it means ‘long since’, but the meaning is more like ‘old times’ or ‘the olden days’.

*Fun with the Word*
‘Auld Lang Syne’ is the title and key phrase of a 1788 Scottish poem by Robert Burns, typically sung on New Year’s Eve around the world. The phrase ‘lang syne’ literally translates to ‘long since’, and basically means ‘days gone by’.

*Thought for the Day*
Should old acquaintances be never thought upon; who can never again reflect on an old-time?
പഴയ കാലത്തെ കുറിച്ച് ഒന്നും പ്രതിഫലിപ്പിക്കാൻ കഴിയാത്ത പഴയ പരിചയക്കാരെ കുറിച്ച് ഒരിക്കലും ചിന്തിക്കരുത്.


*Let's Build Vocabulary – 
The word for the day is *fortitude* /fɔːtɪtjuːd/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) धैर्य

* courage in pain or adversity.
* courage or bravery over a long period.
She endured her illness with great _fortitude_.
I thought she showed remarkable _fortitude_ during that period.

*Similar Words*
courage, strength, resolution, determination, patience, grit, endurance, perseverance, firmness

*Opposite in Meaning*
apathy, cowardice, fear, timidity, weakness

*Meaning in Malayalam*
മനക്കരുത്ത്‌, സഹനശക്തി, സ്ഥൈര്യം, വിപദിധൈര്യം, മനശ്ശക്തി, ഉള്‍ക്കരുത്ത്‌, ആത്മധീരത, സഹിക്കാനുള്ള കഴിവ്

*Bonus Point*
If you say that someone has shown _fortitude_, you admire them for being brave, calm, and uncomplaining when they have experienced something unpleasant or painful. Fortitude refers to strength in the face of adversity or difficulty. 

*Fun with the Word*
When someone has _fortitude_ it means that they have emotional power or reserves and the ability to withstand adversity. The word comes from the Latin word ‘fortitudo’, meaning ‘strength’. Jacueline Bisset, someone who knows about beauty, said, ‘Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades.’

*Thought for the Day*
Care should be in hearts and not in words. Anger should be in words not in heart.
പരിചരണം വാക്കുകളിലല്ല ഹൃദയത്തിലായിരിക്കണം. കോപം ഹൃദയത്തിലല്ല വാക്കുകളിലായിരിക്കണം.

Day 38
*Let's Build Vocabulary 
The word for the day is *nuance* /njuːɑːns/_noun_ (ഹിന്ദി) अति सूक्ष्म अंतर

* a very slight difference in appearance, meaning, sound, etc.
* quality of something that is not easy to notice but may be important.
The artist managed to capture every _nuance_ of the woman's expression.
Linguists explore the _nuances_ of language.

*Similar Words*
shade, shading, variation, modulation, subtlety, refinement, overtone

*Opposite in Meaning*
colourless, brightness, stay, imperfection, inconsequence

*Meaning in Malayalam*
വൈവിധ്യം, അല്‍പഭേദം, ലേശവ്യത്യാസം, സൂക്ഷ്‌മഭേദം, സൂക്ഷ്മത

*Bonus Point*
A _nuance_ is a small difference in sound, feeling, appearance, or meaning. Use nuance to refer to a very small difference in colour, meaning, or feeling. What makes singers brilliant is not how loud they can sing a note, but how many nuances they can evoke through their approach.

*Fun with the Word*
Pronounced ‘NOO-ahns’, this noun was borrowed from French in the 18th century and derives ultimately from Latin ‘nūbēs’ meaning ‘cloud’. Think of clouds––subtle gradations in colour to understand this word. When you say a work of art was nuanced, it means there was a lot to it, but incorporated subtly.

*Thought for the Day*
We cannot make everyone happy. But we can treat everyone with joy.
എല്ലാവരെയും സന്തുഷ്ടരാക്കാന്‍ നമുക്ക് കഴിയില്ല. എന്നാല്‍ എല്ലാവരോടും സന്തോഷമായി പെരുമാറാന്‍ നമുക്ക് കഴിയും. 

DAY 39

*Let's Build Vocabulary – *
The word for the day is *vicious* /vɪʃəs/_adjective_ (ഹിന്ദി) बुरा

* deliberately cruel or violent.
* immoral.
The police said that it was one of the most _vicious_ attacks they'd ever seen.
I have a _vicious_ headache.

*Similar Words*
savage, brutal, violent, bad, alarming, bad, critical, deadly

*Opposite in Meaning*
agreeable, certain, good, great, happy

*Meaning in Malayalam*
വിട്ടുവീഴ്ചയില്ലാത്ത, ദുഷ്‌ടതയുള്ള, കഠിനഹൃദയനായ, ക്രൂരമായ, നീചമായ, ദുരാചാരമായ, ദുര്‍വൃത്തിയായ, അധര്‍മ്മമായ, നിര്‍ദ്ദയമായ, ഹാനിവരുത്തുന്ന

*Bonus Point*
_Vicious_ people or actions show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly. If you spread _vicious_ rumours about a person, you're telling people things that will hurt her feelings or ruin her reputation. Cut it out!

*Fun with the Word*
If you're described as _vicious_, you're someone who does brutal things purposefully. You're worse than just mean if you are vicious — in fact, you're evil! Add ‘-ly’ to get the adverb of the word.

Thought for the Day*
A moment of silence is needed before any decision can be made. There is no river that is not clear when it is calm.
ഏതൊരു തീരുമാനത്തിനു മുന്‍പും ഒരിടവേളയും മൗനവും ആവശ്യമാണ്.  ശാന്തമായിരുന്നാല്‍ തെളിയാത്ത ഒരു പുഴയും ഇല്ല.


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